A bright spot on the map of Polish start-ups
According to the Startup Poland report, over 70% of Białystok innovators in 2019 operated in the deep-tech sector, which involves the most advanced technologies. They focus on ground-breaking technology projects, laboratory research, and prototyping. Robotics, electronics, productivity boosting solutions, ERP, CRM, Industry 4.0 and edu-tech are among the fortes of the companies in the region. Some 10% of all Polish start-ups in these sectors are located in Białystok, and the number of innovative companies per capita is one of the highest in Poland. The excellent talent that is available in Białystok motivated Instapage, an American start-up, to develop its business in parallel in California and Podlaskie. But there are many more examples of creativity in Podlaskie.

Students of the Mechanical Faculty at Białystok University of Technology specialise in the construction of Mars rovers. Their designs are so good that they won the University Rover Challenge in the United States three times. Since 2011, they have continuously been among the top ten Mars rover design teams in the world.

Petros Psyllos is one of the most gifted European inventors. His interests include artificial intelligence, robotics, and cognitive science. But first and foremost, he is an inventor whose work may revolutionise the lives of the disabled. An artificial eye for the blind, a glove that facilitates communication for people with mutism, and brainwave device control are only some of the projects developed by this young resident of Białystok. His achievements resulted in Forbes including him on the list of the 30 best European innovators.

Photon Entertainment is a start-up established by Białystok University of Technology graduates, who decided to teach children how to think creatively and logically. The role of the teacher is played by Photon – the most modern educational robot on the market, which develops in paralel with the child. Thanks to its numerous sensors, it is able to see, hear, perceive touch, tell darkness from light, and measure distance. The challenges it gives to children help them learn the basics of programming and discover the world of new technologies. In 2018, Photon Entertainment was recognised as the best start-up in Central and Eastern Europe.

Other start-ups from Podlasie take their users to a digital world. RiftCat is one of them. Their Virtual Reality gaming platform is used by several hundred thousand people. RiftCat collaborates with giants such as HTC and Huawei. Elastic Cloud Solutions has been equally successful. Their internet solutions are enjoyed by over 200,000 users from several dozen countries. They are the winner of the prestigious Best Intranet Design 2018 Award from the Nielsen Norman Group.
Fast growing companies
TenderHut creates innovative programming solutions
applications. The company has its software development
centres in the largest cities in Poland, and abroad in Zurich,
London, Berlin, Dublin, Paris, New York, Stockholm and
Copenhagen. In the 2019 Financial Times 1000 ranking,
TenderHut was ranked 23rd among the 1,000 fastest-growing
European companies.

Invest In Podlaskie
Sectors of Podlaskie economy
Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 14
15-097 Białystok, Poland
Business Promotion Bureau
ul. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 1
15-888 Białystok, Poland
+48 85 66 54 653
+48 85 66 54 987