Agricultural Valley 4.0
An ecosystem of innovation in the areas of agriculture, food and health
Podlaskie Voivodeship plans to introduce world-leading solutions for competitive regional development based on innovation generated within the latest network models. This vision forms the direction that creates opportunities for Podlaskie to generate real economic growth. Directing the development of the region at digital economy, the transformation of the traditional agri-food industry based on the principles of the fourth digital revolution and technological innovation (focusing on breakthrough technologies) with Polish intellectual property (IP) – all these factors can increase international competitiveness.
The answer to such an ambitious challenge is the implementation of a non-competition project titled: “Preparation of the institutional foundation and necessary knowledge for the Regional Innovation Ecosystem Agricultural Valley 4.0. ”

The project is unique; it will utilise the potential of the region, whether it relates to the agri-food industry, innovation, the potential of our scientists, and also our ordinary farmers. I am convinced that Agricultural Valley 4.0 will be a showcase for the region.

Podlaskie in the Basque Country
On 16-18 May 2023 Bilbao hosted a conference and trade fair on the latest trends in the agri-food sector, “Food 4 future”. It is one of the largest events in the areas of FoodTech and AgriTech in Europe. The Basque Country, during “Food 4 Future”, was visited by representatives of Podlaskie’s Marshal’s Office, including: Deputy Marshal Marek Olbryś, Mariusz Dąbrowski – Director of the Investors Assistance and Business Promotion Bureau, Anna Krysztopik – Director of the Environmental Protection Department, Andrzej Pleszuk – Director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department.
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Agricultural Valley 4.0. Second expert’s meeting
A summary of the study visit to Israel as well as functional food and development opportunities for this branch of the food and medical industry in Podlaskie Voivodeship were the main topics of the meeting held on Thursday, March 2. The session of the Working Group for the “Agricultural Valley 4.0” Innovation Ecosystem was attended by representatives of Podlaskie’s universities, entrepreneurs, and local government officials, and its participants included: Deputy Marshal of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Marek Olbryś, Voivodship Councilor and Chairman of the Development, Economy, Infrastructure and Promotion Committee Paweł Wnukowski, and Secretary of the Voivodship Mirosława Jaroszewicz-Łojewska.
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Study visit to Finland
On 6-10 March 2023, representatives of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office and expert members of the Working Group of the Agricultural Valley 4.0 Regional Innovation Ecosystem visited Finland. The aim of the study visit was to explore the Finnish start-up scene and circular economy, as well as to establish relations with representatives of enterprises, business environment institutions and local government administration.
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Study visit to Israel
Understanding the factors determining the high level of innovation and the high-tech investment climate as well as establishing business and scientific contacts, were the main objectives of the visit to Israel for representatives of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office (UMWP) and external experts. The study visit took place on January 22-26, 2023 within the project Agricultural Valley 4.0.
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Agricultural Valley 4.0 – meeting of experts
The Agricultural Valley 4.0, modern technologies in agriculture and a conclusions from the study visit to the USA – these were the main topics of the first meeting of the Working Group on “Agricultural Valley 4.0” Innovation Ecosystem, which took place on Tuesday, 17 January. The meeting was attended by representatives of the business, science and agriculture sector. The Voivodeship Government was represented by Deputy Marshal Sebastian Łukaszewicz, Voivodeship Board Member Marek Malinowski and Voivodeship Councilman Paweł Wnukowski, chairman of the Regional Assembly Committee on Economic Development and Promotion.
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Foreign study visit to the United States
Presentation of the economic potential and investment offer of Podlaskie Voivodeship, as well as identification of new opportunities of economic cooperation, transfer of technological thought and innovative foreign solutions to Podlaskie: these were the main topics of the foreign study visit to the USA on 13-18 November 2022.
Read moreMission of the project
Introducing world-leading solutions for competitive regional development based on innovation generated within the latest network models.
The Agricultural Valley 4.0
is a technological project whose objectives are:
Connecting and achieving cooperation between strictly technological industries and agriculture.
Knowledge, experience, practice
Acquiring the necessary knowledge, exchanging experience and good practices, as well as building links with the best knowledge centres (innovation ecosystems) in the world.
Project implementation
To propose, on the basis of the knowledge gained, concrete mechanisms and solutions enabling the implementation of the 'Agricultural Valley' project in the Podlaskie Voivodeship on a large scale.
Creation of an ecosystem
Creation of a Regional Innovation Ecosystem covering the agri-food, food and health sectors and their business environment.
Global market analysis
Exploring global opportunities in the field of transferring of innovative technologies to/from Podlaskie Voivodeship.
The areas of the project
The areas of interest of the “Agricultural Valley” project are concentrated around 3 sectors:
New solutions and technologies in the agricultural sector
New solutions and technologies in the food sector
New solutions and technologies in the health sector
Planned actions and their effects
The grant will be used to prepare the institutional basis and acquire the necessary knowledge for the creation of the project.

Planned activities include: data collection and analysis (development of various analyses), activities related to establishing a network of domestic and foreign cooperation (creation of a working group, organization of study visits, creating a website) and the commissioning of analyses and expert services in order to Commission the implementation of a professional business concept of the project.

All of the activities planned within the first stage are designed to prepare for the implementation of the Regional Innovation System – Agricultural Valley 4.0 project. Some of the planned activities, including the development of the Regional Innovation Ecosystem, will be included in further stages of implementation.

As a result of the comprehensive implementation of the project, the Agricultural Valley will become the leading competence hub for agricultural innovations in Poland – a centre generating new technologies, new innovative companies operating in the field of new technologies of mechanisation of agriculture, food and sectors related value chains, creating solutions that are globally competitive, not copied from foreign solutions. and are based on your own know-how.
More information
Details of the project are available at:
The project is implemented under Podlaskie’s 2014-2020 Regional Operational Program, Priority Axis I. Strengthening the potential and competitiveness of the region's economy, Measure 1.2 Support for knowledge transfer, innovation, technology and commercialization of the results of R&D in enterprises and development of R&D activities in enterprises, Sub-measure 1.2.1 Support for knowledge transfer, innovation, technology and commercialization of R&D results in enterprises and development of R&D activities in enterprises.
Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 14
15-097 Białystok, Poland
Business Promotion Bureau
ul. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 1
15-888 Białystok, Poland
+48 85 66 54 653
+48 85 66 54 987